Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The times they are a changin'

It has been a while but the broken biscuit club blog is coming out of retirement. Our focus shifted towards Facebook, and other social media sites, and we neglected good old blogger. Some folk have turned to dusty vinyl, reached down the back of old sofas for forgotten tapes or pulled fax machines out of skips to get their retro fix. Whereas we have just clicked on a webpage we haven't been on in a while. 

We have a number of musical and visual adventures set to start in the coming weeks and months covering a whole heap of genres and styles. We've always been an eclectic bunch and these nights will illustrate that. Each night will have its own theme and tone but will still follow our ethos - audio & visual delights to enrich the soul.

Look out for the following nights:
Owt - good quality underground music regardless of genre from the past to the present
This Love Has No Boundaries - beats from around the globe
Dancing In Outer Space - dance music from the left of centre.

To get a sense of what we will be playing keep an eye out for mixes and videos that we will be posting here.

In the mean time here's what we have been listening/re-listening to recently:
Music from the DRC:

Music from London:

Music from Trane:

Outernational Sounds:

Music from 2019:

Music from a boiler room:

Musik von Deutschland:

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